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Akvakultur | Landbruk | Husdyrhold | Кuppel For gårder | Glasstak og fasader

Vi er spesialister på planlegging og produksjon geodetisk kuppel og unike geometriske fritt format konstruksjoner.

Vi tilbyr design, beregning av estimater, produksjon av konstruksjoner og installasjonstjenester.

Vi konsultere, designe, produsere og montere en rekke geometriske figurer av bygninger eller deler dertil – tak, fasader og andre elementer, kupler og fri form strukturer. Vi produserer ulike metall, tre, PVC-plater, glass og sammensatte produkter i samsvar med klientene innsendte planer: metallkonstruksjoner, gjerder, rekkverk, trapper og andre enkeltprodukter.

Vi arbeider uten territoriale begrensninger; våre kunder er fra mange land: Aserbajdsjan, Kasakhstan, Georgia, Polen, Latvia, Spania, Italia, Sverige, Finland, Norge, Estland, Russland, Hviterussland.

Geodesic shelters have been called the most efficient structural design ever conceived because they “do more with less” — less materials and less waste. We produce the highest quality and top-level architectural projects for the commercial, housing, healthcare and education markets.


Dome structures are exceptionally well-suited for agricultural applications, with their round roofs being ideal for rotary systems like the Rotolactor. Developed by the Borden Company in 1930, the Rotolactor was the first invention that allowed for the milking of a large number of cows successively and largely automatically using a rotating platform. Today, this concept is widely recognized in the dairy industry as the «rotary milking parlor.»


Geodesic dome Solar Greenhouse to grow your own food. The spherical shape means sunlight is always striking part of the dome in a perpendicular fashion for maximum solar gain. The spherical shape also creates the least heat transfer suface possible for maximum heat retention during the winter months.


There is no way for the students to learn about the natural habitat of plants here. Through the biodome, children can observe local plants in a closed environment, watch them grow and learn. This sort of extracurricular learning environment is missing in UAE schools, and we want to fill the gap.


Within the cooperation with the stakeholder of the project the Albatross Foundation, which deals mainly with the rehabilitation of wild birds and environmental education, a seminar entitled The White Stork – the Flagship Polish Species in the Winter Landscape.


The program works with households, communities, schools, local authorities (through the Local Government Prevention Network (LAPN)), Tidy Towns groups, the Irish Peatlands Protection Council (IPCC) and businesses to provide detailed information on food wastage and how to do so. to do. Since there will always be unavoidable food wastage, the program also provides training and information on composting at home.


You can create your own private sanctuary with Geodomas Spa Dome. Spacious, water resistant and providing as much or as little privacy as you want, the Spa Dome takes just 2 hours to setup.
Whenever the sun shines, your beautiful dome will heat up naturally providing you with a comfortable environment to enjoy all year round.


These highly customizable commercial greenhouses feature a variety of options to help you create an optimal growing environment suits your plants needs.


The Philipine Global School becomes the first school to implement the #biodome inside a school in UAE.
ABU DHABI // Pupils will soon be able to learn about the country’s natural habitat when biodomes are built at their schools.


GEODOMAS offers innovative solutions for creating botanical gardens using geodesic domes. Our botanical gardens combine advanced technology, unique design, and high functionality to create the perfect environment for a diverse collection of plants.
Transparent domes, as a building element, or the whole building dome-shaped, with parts of the façade as parts of a sphere. Irregular-shaped or Free Form Building construction.


During the last decade or so, that local rodeo has evolved into a far more sophisticated event. These days, rodeo spectators want thrills and chills by professional clowns and dare-devils atop horses and bulls, and they want it all happening in the comfort of an indoor rodeo arena.
