Luksus -glampingtelt | helårs kupler

Bortsett fra deres naturlige skjønnhet, har kupler også mange strukturelle fordeler. Geodesiske tilfluktsrom har blitt bygd rundt om i verden i variert klima og har vist seg å være det sterkeste og mest effektive menneskelige ly som noen gang er tenkt. I motsetning til et tradisjonelt hjem, blir kupler proporsjonalt sterkere etter hvert som størrelsen øker. Denne styrken gjør dem i stand til å bære tung belastning i snødekte klimaer. De er også i stand til å motstå orkaner, tornadoer og andre stormer med langt større suksess enn et boksformet hjem. Med sikkerheten til de geodesiske kuplene som er kjent for strukturell integritet, kan du slippe løs fantasien.

Inne i din levende kuppel kan du glede deg over den frie følelsen av åpen, romslig design. Helt frittstående, det er ingen interne støtter for å hindre utsikten din, men alternativet er der hvis du ønsker å legge til innvendige vegger eller flere nivåer. Visjonen din kommer til å bli levende ettersom kuppelen din er laget utelukkende for din posisjon, og tilbyr perfekt utsikt, naturlig lys og ønsket personvern.

Installasjonen av et enkelt ventilasjonssystem og varme- eller kjølekilde, i kombinasjon med de optimale luftsirkulasjonsmønstrene i en kuppel, vil gjøre kuppelen din koselig og komfortabel til minimal kostnad.

Vinduer, takvinduer og dører som er strategisk plassert, kan koble seg til omgivelsene og naturen.

GEODOMAS deksler med lang levetid kommer i en rekke farger, og er resistente mot mugg og mugg, UV-beskyttet og brannhemmende.

Nyt din drøm Glamping Dome, for en brøkdel av tiden og investeringene som tradisjonell konstruksjon krever. Våre eco living-kupler bygges enkelt og raskt, reduserer byggekostnadene, bruker minst mulig ressurser til å omslutte plass og er unikt rimelige-slik at du kan leve boliglånfritt.

Feel as though you’re staying in a dream house and enjoy a completely different kind of camping. A mix of typical camping outdoors with all the advantages that home and modern technology provide, coupled with the indescribable experience of sleeping in fantastic spherical tents, which transforms adventure into a luxury holiday.


Glamping Bungalow domes are a new line of self-assembly products that revolutionize hospitality industry. Suitable for all seasons.


MoonGlamp domes will ensure a private and luxurious relaxation experience surrounded by the forest


You can find eco-friendly, sustainable, and locally made and grown products on shelves in almost every store these days. So perhaps it’s no surprise that some people want to make the buildings themselves more in tune with the environment, too.


ASTRONARIUM ANIANE site, the site of one of the largest amateur astronomical observatories in Europe with unusual accommodation to sleep under the stars.





    The geodesic dome method allows you to create a light, well protected and very stable space. The main advantage of geodesic domes is the even distribution of stresses in all frame nodes.
    Glamping Domes do not require any columns, load walls or columns inside to allow the customers to use the maximum available area. By using steel structural elements structure becomes sustainable in terms of weather factors and loads.

    • The structures can be connected with tunnel paths;
    • The cluster of connected domes creates an extraordinary sense of scope, allowing the event infrastructure to be categorized by theme using different designs;
    • We offer most popular colored powered coatings;

    Each geodesic dome structure is designed according to load calculations. This in turn ensures safety and durability. Our structural engineers can calculate the maximum loads of the equipment suspended by the geodesic dome of regional norms

    steel frame
    steel frame

    For geodesic dome covers we use the highest quality PVC tent fabrics. All our fabrics are certified and meet European Quality and Fire Resistance Standards.
    Detachable dome coating is known for its strengths and long service life. Due to the frequent weaving, the material is resistant to punctures, scratches and cuts. It is very easy to keep the dome covers clean.
    GEODOMAS durable covers are available in a variety of colors, resistant to mold and mildew, protected from UV rays and fire resistant. All fabrics have certifications to fire-retardancy NFP 92507: M2 ; DIN 4102: B1; EN 13501-1: B-s2-d0, BS 7837.

    • The upper part of a cover is fitted with self-ventilated chambers;
    • Triangular ZIP windows – windows are fastened with zippers and there is a detachable mesh against insects inside;
    • We offer many colors;

    Foil PVC Window membrane Tinted for use in Glamping GLAMPING tents. Transparent PVC fabric, which perfectly transmits sunlight and illuminates the entire dome.

    • Temperature range: from -40 ° C to + 80 ° C;
    • Blocks 90% of UV Solar Radiation. Excellent weatherability (High & Low temperatures);
    • Easy to clean;
    • Enhanced privacy;

    We have different types of doors for choice

    • Standard (square) plastic doors
    • Aluminum doors
    • French type doors (with glasses)
    • Doors can be adjusted into round shape so-called 0-door.
    • Round doors (0-doors) can be connected with other domes (Modul system) with tunnels.
    • Doors type & dimensions can be individually adjusted.

    It is thin, multi-reflector, multi-layer insulation system. Reflective thermo insulation material is produced using the technology that NASA has developed to protect the spacecrafts from extreme external factors (solar radiation and frost).

    • Insulation saves energy because it reduces all types of heat: conduction, convection, radiation, heat, humidity infiltration;
    • Stability, insulation parameters in contrast to traditional insulating materials, there are no splits, material is continuous;
    • Energy saving – insulation saves up to 30% of the energy for heating and cooling;
    • Fast assembly – large rolls, simple system, combining consistent levels and flexibility of the material enables efficient assembly of the product in all conditions;
    • THERMIC.PRO- resistant to chemicals, rodents and other pests, as well as most solvents that are used in construction;
    • Reflectivity: 95%
    • Thermal conductivity: λ = 0,030 W / (mK)
    • Blocks Cellular 3G,4G,5G & WIFI Signals

    It is 100% polyester with PVC cover, Extremly non-tear / hard wearing , Waterproof Extremely tear resistant heavy duty PVC Tarpaulin.

    • Extremely non-tear / hard wearing;
    • Waterproof Extremely tear resistant heavy duty PVC Tarpaulin;

    If you require more sturdy dome base, we provide a complete guide on how to construct one’s own wooden decking. Transporting raw materials that can be sourced locally is not economically feasible, that is why we prefer to give our customers step-by-step guidelines to easily build the decking by themselves using tools and materials available at their local DIY store.

    • Step-by-step wooden decking construction manual
    • Recommended tools and materials available in a home depot or a local DIY store
    • Based on our designs, your local carpenter can build it in: 2 days
    • Manpower: 1-2 people
    • No previous technical or construction knowledge required
    • Terrace & Floors – different types (elevated, ground, insulated, wooden, metal) terrace and used materials see more;
    • Ground Screw – They are precisely adjustable, storm proof, suitable for all types of grounds, reasonably priced and easy to remove and re-use.
    • Inner rooms – The features of the interior of the dome structure gives incomparably greater freedom of planning, cathedral ceiling, uniform distribution of light, heat and sound;
    • Bathroom Equipment – we offer different solutions for bath equipment;
    • Bio – recycling – we select the most recent technologies of bio – recycling;
    • LED UV-C Disinfection System – advanced technology that allows to disinfect the place fast and effeciently from any viruses, parasites and fungi;
    • Thermo Curtains – these curtains feature a thermal coating and help to insulate your home through all seasons by blocking external heat in summer and prevent cool draughts in winter while providing added privacy. Available in a selection of sizes to suit your requirements.
    • Stove (Wood/Briquettes) can be connected to roof with tube
    • Air – Conditioner – can be sealed on wall or wired to a ceiling. Different powerage and different functionalities are available, it is manageable from controller too;

    We offer comprehensive design services, from an idea to the realization. Every project begins with a concept, continues with a conceptual design and preparation of glamping design documentation, and ends with an implementation plan and details. As part of the project, we check the investment value according to the phase and prepare the implementation schedule.